
Non Gaussian Beam Distributed Blue Line Laser Module Review

Without any serious relying on professional skills or extra time spending on manual line positioning work, those of formal manual and mechanical line alignment tools are just substituted by advanced laser tech applied blue line laser module. It is emitting quite intense blue laser light directly from 445nm blue laser diode, equipped with the most qualified separate crystal lens, it is just becoming the most practically used laser line generator. According to easy selection of output power and optic lens degree, this 445nm blue laser makes sure of constant and highly clear line generation in distance effectively.
445nm blue line laser module
This 445nm blue line laser module employs import 445nm blue laser diode, beginning with high power up to 50mW to 100mW, it is generating highly visible blue laser beam at several miles far away. At the same time, when it is applying for quite long distance line alignment work, it is just equipped with the most qualified separate crystal lens. This blue laser is keeping work with non Gaussian beam distribution, and then generating the same line brightness blue reference line in use. Blue line brightness is keeping the same from middle part towards both ends, and then fulfilling the highest level of accuracy blue reference line projection in continuous work.
Selected from 10 degree to 93 degree optic lens degree, blue line laser module is achieving different line length in use. It is getting selected line length within 0.5 meter to 6 meters. According to freely selected output power and optic lens degree, this laser line generator is applied for multiple work fields, including special work fields, such as laser show, laser displaying, military targeting and high tech work fields etc. According to quite easy adjustment of laser beam focus, high intensity blue laser light is temporarily concentrated, and then achieving the finest blue line projection in distance.
Under occasion that the genuine line alignment with blue line laser module is controlled within 25 meters, blue line laser module would just make sure of the finest blue line projection in continuous work. In process of quite intense and powerful blue laser light is generated from beam aperture, the most important design part of APC, ACC driving circuit board ensures superior efficient preventing of electric current impacting, and then achieving the most stable blue alignment laser line projection and long serving lifetime in constant use. In any occasion that users are avoiding eye exposure and wearing 445nm wavelength preventing laser safety goggles, this industrial specialized laser line alignment tool makes sure of easy and quick measurement perfectly.


Long Distance Projected 808nm Infrared Line Laser Alignment

Without serious relying on professional skills or manual line positioning device, under special night vision illumination work field, it should be the most marvelous experience for users to adopt a long wavelength made 808nm infrared dot laser alignment. It is emitting the most intense infrared laser light directly from 808nm infrared laser diode, under operation with night vision device and easy connect with a DC input power supply, this infrared laser module would just make sure of the most convenient and accurate IR line projection in distance.
Comparing with any other visible laser devices, it is getting totally different experience with the use of a long wavelength 808nm infrared line laser alignment. None of infrared laser light and IR reference line can be observed by human eyes directly. In practically line measuring work under night vision work fields, it should not be used separately. Under operation with black and white camera, infrared laser camera or CCD camera, this accessory part gets easy operation, and then achieving highly clear infrared reference line projection in distance easily. This infrared laser module would also make easy and convenient IR line projection for laser medical therapy, military targeting, surveillance or intelligence system etc.
infrared line laser alignment
Under night vision line aligning work field, 808nm infrared line laser alignment might be used at quite long work distance.  It is not only getting the lowest power of only 5mW, but also getting the highest output power of 400mW. When it is trying to work constantly, this infrared laser module is generating invisible infrared laser light intensely, and also obtaining highly clear infrared reference line easily. When it is getting quite high photoelectric ability up to 80%, lower power infrared laser might be workable within 50 meters, while high power infrared laser up to 200mW to 400mW might make great job for long distance of 100 to 1000 meters in distance.
Whenever 808nm infrared line laser alignment is getting electric power source from DC input power supply, equipped with intelligent feedback system of APC, ACC driving circuit board, it is preventing serious electric current impacting, and then achieving the most stable and reliable infrared line projection in use. In order to maintain excellent laser light cycling use and long serving lifetime, the genuine operation of infrared line projection is allowing operation within 8 to 10 hours, after proper wearing of infrared laser safety goggles, this IR line laser gets easy and safe use constantly.Without serious relying on professional skills or manual line positioning device, under special night vision illumination work field, it should be the most marvelous experience for users to adopt a long wavelength made 808nm infrared dot laser alignment. It is emitting the most intense infrared laser light directly from 808nm infrared laser diode, under operation with night vision device and easy connect with a DC input power supply, this infrared laser module would just make sure of the most convenient and accurate IR line projection in distance.
Comparing with any other visible laser devices, it is getting totally different experience with the use of a long wavelength 808nm infrared line laser alignment. None of infrared laser light and IR reference line can be observed by human eyes directly. In practically line measuring work under night vision work fields, it should not be used separately. Under operation with black and white camera, infrared laser camera or CCD camera, this accessory part gets easy operation, and then achieving highly clear infrared reference line projection in distance easily. This infrared laser module would also make easy and convenient IR line projection for laser medical therapy, military targeting, surveillance or intelligence system etc.
Under night vision line aligning work field, 808nm infrared line laser alignment might be used at quite long work distance.  It is not only getting the lowest power of only 5mW, but also getting the highest output power of 400mW. When it is trying to work constantly, this infrared laser module is generating invisible infrared laser light intensely, and also obtaining highly clear infrared reference line easily. When it is getting quite high photoelectric ability up to 80%, lower power infrared laser might be workable within 50 meters, while high power infrared laser up to 200mW to 400mW might make great job for long distance of 100 to 1000 meters in distance.
Whenever 808nm infrared line laser alignment is getting electric power source from DC input power supply, equipped with intelligent feedback system of APC, ACC driving circuit board, it is preventing serious electric current impacting, and then achieving the most stable and reliable infrared line projection in use. In order to maintain excellent laser light cycling use and long serving lifetime, the genuine operation of infrared line projection is allowing operation within 8 to 10 hours, after proper wearing of infrared laser safety goggles, this IR line laser gets easy and safe use constantly.