
Technical Innovated 532nm Green Laser Line Generator

Until the time users are in need of quite easy and clear line alignment at much longer work distance than formal hand reaching, not limited for close distance, it is just a quite nice solution for users to adopt 532nm green laser line generator. It is projecting the most easily absorbed green laser light from 532nm green DPSS laser system. When it is available with quite fine and straight green laser line from laser beam aperture, only it this line laser alignment is correctly selected output power and optic lens degree, it is able to work with the clearest green reference line projection in distance easily.

green laser line generator

It is always spending quite long time on prior line positioning works, however, it is not able to avoid mistake caused by manual operation. After correct connect with an external DC input power supply, 532nm green laser line generator is making continuous green reference line projection from laser beam aperture. Comparing with a simple green laser pointer, it is getting modifying laser light in type of a high straightness green reference line. Not spending any time on alkaline battery power change, DC power source has just assured continuous green reference line projection on multiple targeting surfaces.
When 532nm green laser line generator is being made with the best quality glass coated lens or separate crystal lens, either formal Gaussian beam or non Gaussian beam distribution it is pointed, it is just producing highly fine and straight green reference line from laser beam aperture. The modifying green laser line is allowing freely selected optic lens degree within 10 to 110 degree, which will form into highly fine line length within 0.5 meter to 6 meters. Only if laser users are getting basic learning of line length, line thickness and work distance, after easy recommendation of output power and optic lens degree, this green laser module achieves the most satisfied line projection in distance.
Without the use of laser line targeting under sunlight, 532nm green laser line generator is always making highly clear and accurate line projection for all working environments, including close distance, long distance and high lighting etc. Whatever kind of output power it is selected, APC, ACC driving circuit board is preventing serious electric current and increasing temperature in continuous work. Under high attention to powerful green laser radiation and reflection, after correct wearing of laser safety glasses and avoiding eye exposure to laser beam aperture, this industrial stabilized line laser module achieves free and clear line alignment constantly.


Modifying Line Emitting Blue Laser Line Generator

Under decision of the most accurate line alignment at quite long work distance, none of primary line drawing from square meter, blocking board or triangular meter is helpful at all. Laser tech engineer is always making super great technical innovation of advanced 445nm blue laser diode tech, being made with excellent quality optic lens, after production into a real blue laser line generator, it is forming into a real and practically used line laser alignment tool. It is getting modifying laser light in type of a highly straight blue reference line, making easy and highly clear line instruction in distance easily.
blue laser line generator
When line alignment is processed continuously, blue laser line generator is getting much stricter requirement of laser beam stability than formal blue laser pointer. It is working as an accessory part, such as a laser cutting machine, sand milling device, textile garment processing device etc. In process of continuous line alignment work, this 445nm blue laser module is being made with inner metal heat sink cooling system, after perfect configuration with aircraft used aluminum alloy housing tube, this line laser module achieves superior nice thermal conductivity and extremely stable blue reference line projection in long term work.
Employed by import 445nm blue laser diode, beginning with 50mW to 100mW, blue laser line generator is projecting quite powerful and intense blue laser light from beam aperture, thus generating highly clear blue laser line as long as 25 meters in use. It is a direct diode emission laser line alignment tool, getting less brightness blue laser light from 473nm blue DPSS laser system, it is not only available with even more stable performance, but also getting quite low price. It is being made with 16mm diameter tube, while still getting enough space leaving for laser tube cooling down and achieving highly reliable blue laser line projection.
Either glass coated lens or Powell lens it is equipped, this 445nm blue laser line generator is getting modifying laser light in type of a high linear quality and high fineness blue reference line, not the same as a simple blue laser pointer only used for temporary dot positioning. Within freely selected optic lens degree of 10 to 110 degree, after correct measurement and experiment, this alignment laser gets high precision line projection perfectly. Only if users are paying special attention to powerful laser light and thermal energy, it is important to wear laser safety goggles and avoid eye exposure until getting safe and easy measurement perfectly.


Creative Measuring Tool of Green Line Laser Alignment

In any type of highly clear and fine line projection work for current precise device manufacturing, it should never be a kidding job until selecting a quite professional device as expected. At the same time, laser tech engineer is also not stopping the mind of developing quite advanced and practically used device, such as a green line laser alignment. It is projecting the most visible and the most sensitive green laser beam from beam aperture. After quite small size tube design and easy selection of qualified optic lens degree, this laser line generator is always effective enough to get fine and clear enough green reference line projection in distance.

Majority of users are only familiar with simple laser pointer device, however, it is only applied for temporary dot positioning work, but far more enough to be applied for modern time industrial precise device manufacturing works. Under selection of green line laser alignment, according to correct equipment with inner metal heat sink cooling system and external electric power source of DC input power supply, it is getting superior nice thermal emitting and highly stable green reference line projection in continuous work. Not any longer limited for temporary positioning work, this laser line generator achieves superior nice thermal emitting and highly stable green reference line projection within maximum operating time of 8 to 10 hours per day.
When line aligning work is processed for quite long time, green line laser alignment is in need of highly clear line projection. Under quite strict laser beam stability tests and special design with glass window, even though it is used under moisture and dust working condition, 532nm green laser module is still keeping highly clear line projection, not affected by any working environments at all. Under selection of qualified glass coated lens or separate crystal lens, either formal gaussian or non Gaussian distribution green laser light it is pointed, it is keeping highly clear and bright laser light emission and highly fine green reference line projection in continuous work.
In multiple industrial precise device manufacturing work fields, green line laser alignment is used as an accessory part. It is compactly designed with only 16mm or 26mm diameter, which is making quite easy and convenient line positioning results in distance easily. Under the assistance of laser alignment mounting bracket, green alignment laser line is just making highly rapid and clear line positioning result, without any serious limitation of work distance, high height and other complex working environments etc. Under quite high attention to intense green light and thermal energy, under proper wearing of laser safety glasses, this industrial stabilized laser line generator assures safe and easy measurement perfectly.