
Separate Crystal Lens 515nm Green Laser Line Generator

 In any industrial precise line measuring work fields, no matter it is pointing at close or long distance, it is always making good job for users to apply an intense beam device, such as a 515nm green laser line generator. Not relying on any manual labor force input or any prior line positioning work, every time it gets constant power sources supply and basic use of thermal emitting system, it keeps work with intense forest green laser beam emission at several miles far away. Besides the use of close distance or inner room, this 515nm green line laser also makes sure of highly clear and fine line generation at long work distances effectively.

515nm green laser line generator
After the use of qualified separate crystal lens, comparing with formal plastic or glass coated lens, the real use of 515nm green laser line generator has just assured non Gaussian distribution green laser light emission. In addition, when it projects highly straight and highly uniform forest green reference line, no matter it is pointing at close or long distance, it still keeps work with the same line brightness from middle part towards both ends. In process of long lasting and long distance line measuring work, this 515nm green line laser gets no appearance of laser light decay or blur, but enables highly reliable performance within constant work time of 8 to 10 hours.
According to easy connects with an AC/DC adapter, not spending extra time on battery change, this 515nm green laser line generator always makes sure of constant forest green laser beam emission at several miles far away. It is not only making good job for close distance forest green reference line projection. After the use of high power 515nm green line laser up to 30mW to 50mW, cooperating with 9V 1000mA DC power supply, it enables highly clear and fine forest green reference line projection within the maximum work distance of 25 meters and formal lighting working occasions etc.
On basis of special use of electric wires for both 515nm green laser line generator and DC power supply, within the maximum installed distance of 3 meters, it always makes sure of easy reaching, no barrier and long lasting forest green reference line projection onto any raw material surface. When it makes freely adjusted laser beam focus lens, after high concentration of forest green laser light emission, it assures efficient conversion of clear and fine green line projection in distance. Unless it is pointing under sunlight, after high attention to laser safety issue and proper wearing correct laser safety glasses, this industrial alignment laser just achieves easy and no danger use in all application fields perfectly.