
Non Gaussian Beam 532nm Green Laser Line Generator

In order to get extremely fine and straight line indication onto various targeting surfaces, it is just a quite nice experience to seek help from a 532nm green laser line generator. It projects high sensitivity green laser light from middle wavelength of 532nm green DPSS laser system. After its easy use of an external DC input power supply and advanced use of high quality separate crystal lens with different fan angles, this green line laser is a real industrial stabilized line measuring tool and applying for various industrial and high tech line measuring work fields effectively.
532nm green laser line generator
When 532nm green laser line generator is applying the most qualified separate crystal lens, it is performing different from any simple plastic coated lens. The genuine green laser line alignment has no appearance of laser light decay or dim in continuous use. Owing to its non Gaussian beam distribution green laser light from beam aperture, whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, green laser line is keeping work with the same brightness from middle part towards both ends. Even though green line is pointing at quite long work distance, this middle wavelength made green laser module still keeps work with highly fine line indication, just fulfilling the highest level of accuracy line positioning result within the maximum work distance of 25 meters.
Under basic measurement of length, line fineness and work distance from laser beam aperture to targeting surface, non Gaussian beam 532nm green laser line generator enables freely selected fan angles of 10 degree to 93 degrees. It is a basic issue to make clear measurement and experiment of technical data, it would always make highly precise line indication onto multiple surfaces effectively. For the most important of all, according to quite easy screw of adjustable focus optics, only if green laser light is focusing from beam aperture, this green line laser achieves the finest line positioning result in all application fields.
Owing to advanced use of laser alignment mounting bracket and extending electric wires extension for both 532nm green laser line generator and DC power supply, it enables freely installed distance of 3 meters, and easy line projection onto any vertical or horizontal surface. When high power green alignment laser is selecting for long distance and high lighting line projecting works, it is also projecting serious thermal energy hurt to human eyes. It is just a key issue to pay high attention to thermal energy hurt to human eyes, after correct wearing of laser safety glasses, it achieves quite satisfied line positioning result in all occasions effectively.

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