
How to make constant measurement with 445nm blue laser diode module?

Not the same as a simple blue laser pointer used for temporary dot positioning work, it might be far more enough to reach those of hard reaching places, however, it should be a much better substitute for users to operate a highly intense beam emitting tool of a 445nm blue laser diode module. It gets advanced use of thermal emitting system inside a high duration metal housing tube. In practical precise dot measuring work fields, only according to correct use of output power and proper mounting onto other machine or device, this direct diode emission made 445nm blue dot laser just achieves high quality blue laser light source emission and high precision dot indication at long extending distance. 

445nm blue laser diode module
Usually 445nm blue laser diode module applies an AC/DC adapter, it is not simply used for temporary dot positioning work. In addition, once it is made with good thermal emitting system in type of metal heat sink and import 445nm blue laser diode, it just gets high level of accuracy dot generation for a lot of work fields. On condition that it gets high power up to 50mW to 100mW, this 445nm blue dot laser is not only projecting highly visible blue laser beam at long extending distance, but also maintaining highly clear blue dot indication within long extending distance of 25 meters and other formal lighting working occasions as well.
Comparing with formally used 473nm blue DPSS laser system, this direct diode emission made 445nm blue laser diode module is performing well with even more stable and reliable blue dot projection in long lasting use. It is also getting no need to be made with quite large dimension tube, but only adopting 16mm diameter anodized aluminum alloy housing tube. Together with an inner part of a metal heat sink cooling system and APC, ACC driving circuit board inside such ultra compact size tube, this 445nm blue dot laser is achieving the most reliable blue dot projection within long lasting work time of 10 hours, and long serving lifetime of more than 8,000 hours.
Whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, on the basis of the special use of electric wires extension for both of 445nm blue laser diode module and DC power supply, it enables convenient installation and easy reaching of blue reference dot projection onto any raw material surface. The unique use of adjustable focus optic lens enables the most concentrated blue laser light source emission, and high efficiency conversion of ultra compact size blue dot projection at greater distance. In those of labs, institutes and colleges, users should always take laser safety measure and wear correct laser safety goggles until easy and secured dot measurement freely.

