
Durable Structure High Power Green Dot Laser Alignment

When dot targeting work is processed at quite long work distance, it is not an easy job to do so. Owing to the good use of advanced 532nm green DPSS laser tech, and wonderful design with thermal emitting system, high power green dot laser alignment is just able to work with highly bright and visible laser dot targeting in distance. On basis of its good equipment with thermal emitting system and constant electric power source supply from a DC input power supply, this green laser module is just easily gaining constant and highly stable green reference dot targeting in distance.
This high power green dot laser alignment always gets quite nice use for long distance and high lighting works. It is getting quite high power of 200mW. It is getting similar structure as a green laser pen, however, instead of the use of battery, it is adopting constant electric power source from a DC input power supply. The extending electric wire also adopts high temperature wire design. It is not only getting free installation within 0.3 meter to 3 meters, but also getting quite reliable green laser dot targeting with featured advantages of good corrosion resistance. In process of long term continuous targeting work, once this laser diode module is getting proper equipment with DC power source, it is just getting reliable dot aligning performance under harsh working occasion, including strong interference or strong static etc.
Only according to quite easy installation, this compact structure made high power 200mW green dot laser alignment is able to be installed easily on a drilling system, military targeting device, laser marking machine etc. In order to get even better thermal stabilization, this high power 532nm green laser module is employing metal heat sink to make perfect cooperation with aluminum alloy housing tube. It is getting super bright green reference dot targeting under formal inner room temperature working condition. Once dot targeting is processed under lower temperature, this laser diode module might not be lighting up immediately. Users should just make proper preheating of laser module tube with human hands, and it will recover its bright green dot targeting immediately.
Whatever kind of working places, even though some of working place is not easy to reach, however, high power green dot laser alignment is easily reaching any targeting surface with the assistance of a laser alignment mounting bracket. After quite easy adjustment of green reference dot targeting direction with three dimensions, it is always taking the lowest time consumption and manual labor force to achieve no mistake dot targeting perfectly. At the same time, owing to quite intense and powerful thermal energy emission from laser beam aperture, users should just remember to wear proper laser safety glasses, and then achieving no mistake dot targeting marvelously.

