
Long Distance Used 532nm Green Line Laser Module

It is always a quite hard job for users to get super accurate line alignment at quite long work distance. However, once users are trying to seek the assistance from advanced 532nm green DPSS laser tech, the use of 532nm green line laser module is just bringing users extremely wonderful experience for any kinds of industrial precise device manufacturing work fields. When green laser module is generating the most sensitive color laser beam to human eyes, a high power laser line alignment tool is just able to work with the most visible and the brightest green reference line generation on all working surfaces effectively.
High power 532nm green line laser module is always getting high power range of 50mW to 100mW. It is able to generate highly bright and visible green laser beam at several miles far away. However, laser line thickness might become larger with the extension of real line alignment distance. In order to assure the most accurate line alignment all the time, it is just the best work distance within 25 meters to operate this laser line generator. At the same time, the real green alignment laser line targeting should also avoid sunlight, since none of visible laser light can be observed under sunlight.
This high power green line laser module is always generating quite intense green laser beam from laser beam aperture in constant line alignment work. In order to assure stable enough line alignment in long term use, this laser line generator is just adopting quite durable aircraft used aluminum alloy housing tube, with a bit larger tube diameter of 26mm. In process of continuous line alignment work, it is getting quite nice thermal conductivity, and enough space reserving as its metal heat sink cooling system. In order to maintain its stable enough line alignment work, it is just getting good operation time of 8 to 10 hours per day, and then getting enough time reserving as its laser tube cooling down, and then getting good laser light cycling use in long term use.
According to quite easy installation with a laser alignment mounting bracket, this high power green line laser module is always easily installed on any other device and equipment. The real alignmentlaser line targeting work just gets no barrier caused by work distance, height, corner or other hard reaching places etc. At the same time, according to quite easy roast of laser beam aperture part, green reference line thickness can be easily adjusted, until getting quite satisfied line alignment in long term use. Anytime users are trying to wear proper laser safety glasses, even though green line targeting is processed at quite long distance or high lighting, this green laser module is still assuring the most secured and accurate measurement constantly.

